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Fog of Text
Encode and Decode Text
The area below allows you to encode and decode text that you may want to protect from prying eyes; for example, you may want to encode/decode text in a chat message, or email message that is sent or received. However, for this to work, encoding and decoding must use the same source json document and algorithms). One thing that makes this system unique is that the encoded text may change for the same text. What do I mean? Under "Encode Text:" where text is present, click the button "Encode" more than one time and you will notice that the encoding is different each time yet, when decoded you still get the same original text. Ergo, without the source document it would otherwise appear that the encodings of the same text are different messages! Sneaky, I know.
Try it out, using a small, pre-made json source document below! There is also a downloadable project version put together for Swift and iOS 13+ that you can download and refine (also see below).

Download This Web Browser-Based Project
After you've tried encoding and decoding text, feel free to download this privacy project.

Encode Text:

Encoded Value:

Decode Text:

Decoded Value:

[Optional #1 - Least Privacy] Specify URL to JSON file to use as the source of encoding / decoding
The JSON file should be structured like this one. A default JSON object will be used if there is no URL available. It should be noted that your web browser may prohibit you from using a URL that varies from the URL that this webpage is located at.

[Optional #2 - Great Privacy] Specify the file location on your computer to the JSON file to use as the source of encoding / decoding
The JSON file should be structured like this one. A default JSON object will be used if there is no local file available. If you have this webpage on your computer as well as the JSON file, you should be able to use that file; however, not all web browsers support loading a file on your computer from a webpage.

[Optional #3 - Great Privacy] Embedding the JSON content into the source code of this page
If neither Option #1 or Option #2 work for you, then you could manually change the source code of this webpage by replacing the existing JSON object defined at myObj near the top.

Usage Considerations
Since this webpage (and json source document it contains) has been publically available on the Internet, the messages you send and receive using it could be encoded / decoded by just about your messages won't be too private. However, if you have your own json source document to encode and decode with (it still needs the same structure as this one) which has a unique collection of randomized, varied and repeating words that only you and someone else has then you greatly improve the privacy of textual data sent and received in chat, email, etc. Once you have your own json source document, you'll probably want to periodically add/remove words and move words around - just keep in mind that both you and the person you may be communicating with will need to have the same json source document each time it changes.

Lastly, since this webpage is loaded from a web browser, it may be advisable to use a web browser that does not cache content, does not send usage data, and does not have plugins or extensions installed into it. The good news is that this webpage can run in a web browser without needing a network connection (such as a connection to the Internet).

The Swift/iOS Project
If you have a MAC system (such as a laptop), you can install an IDE that allows you to build mobile applications like Xcode 12.x. This demo project of encoding and decoding text was expanded in functionality to have fewer limitations than the web-based version (above). Additionally the project has only been tested in the app simulator under iOS 13.5 and phone and tablet variants; while it works in the simulator just fine it is unknown whether it will work on a physical device.

Example Screenshots (click to enlarge)

Some of the highlights of the project show how to interact with a JSON file, downloading JSON content, encoding/decoding text, app content scrolling and more!

Download The Swift/iOS Project
Feel free to download the Swift/iOS privacy project. Like the download for the web-based version, the download contains the project inside of a zip file.


Desire to achieve balance is rarely tuned to the domain it is realized within, thereby recasting it into atypical substance.

About Joe