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The purpose of this tutorial is to show a few different ways with which a delegate can be used under .Net Core 6+. It may also apply to earlier releases but I just have not had the time to find out myself.

Commonly delegates are thought of as a type that references a method like:
	// Example Generic Delegate with Lambda
	int ingress = 0; Func<int, int> method = ingress => ingress * 2;
	Console.WriteLine(method(2)); //4

	// Example Generic Delegate with Lambda
	int ingress = 0; int egress = 0; public void noReturnData(int data) { egress = data; }
	Action<int> method = ingress => noReturnData(ingress);
	method(3); Console.WriteLine(egress); //3

However, a delegate method can also be passed to another method as an argument. This allows methods to communicate between each other, sort of like delegates in the real world. Here's what I mean:
	public class WorkingClass {
		// Define method which will be updated as each step of work is completed.
		public void WorkProgress(int lastStepCompleted) {
		// Declare method as a delegate that will be used like a parameter.
		// In this case, to monitor each work step completed.
		public delegate void CallBack(int stepCompleted);
		// Pass the delegate like a parameter to this method.
		public void PerformWork(CallBack workStepCompleted) {
			// Each time work is done (an iteration is completed), send update that a work step has been done.
			for (int step = 1; step <= 5; step++) { workStepCompleted(step); }
		// Start the work, until it is done.
		public void Worker() {
			// Work has now been completed.
			Console.WriteLine("Work Done.");
The output will look like this:
	Work Done.

Note: In this example, if you are having an issue getting public void Worker() to run, you could take the method body and place it in a method that you can execute. You may need to do something like updating the body to resolve the class such as:
	WorkingClass myWorker = new WorkingClass();
	// Work has now been completed.
	Console.WriteLine("Work Done.");

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